Do you make use of credit cards? Large banks offer their clientele a wide range of credit cards, including SBI, ICICI, HDFC, and Axis Bank. The majority of these are well-liked. A few modifications have been made with credit cards. Now let’s find out.
Credit cards are widely used these days. Credit cards are also offered by major banks and other financing organizations. Credit cards can also be used to get loans. able can be paid back in phases. These days, almost everyone with a job owns a credit card. Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, SBI Card, and many other banks issue credit cards. There are more users of some of these cards.However, those who use credit cards should be aware of this bank. Regarding these, some regulations have been modified. Certain regulations and products have undergone modifications.
Axis Bank credit cards
Axis Bank credit cards are advised to be cautious. Rs. 1500 every rental transaction, up to a maximum rent surcharge rate of one percent. There are additional taxes. This also holds true for people using Indian rupees to make international payments. The revised guidelines will take effect on March 5.
SBI Credit card
Regarding SBI Card credit cards, a few regulations have also been modified. Interest calculations have been modified here. It stated that modifications have been made to the credit card minimum due amount computation procedure.
It has been made clear that the effective date is March 15.
ICICI Credit Card
On the ICICI Bank website 2024, it states that you can receive free admission to airport lounges by spending Rs. 35,000 on credit card purchases in the quarter before April 1. This implies that you should pay Rs. 35,000 in the January–March quarter if you wish to enable lounge access in the April–June quarter. The same is true for everything.
Popular credit cards like the Regalia and Millenia credit cards have undergone adjustments thanks to a major private bank, HDFC. It stated that the lounge admission scheme is dependent on credit card spending. Here, it will cost at least Rs. 1 lakh and possibly more in a quarter. Customers with Regalia Cards who reach this can receive two free coupons for lounge access. Clients with the same Millenia card are eligible for a free coupon.